PA Homecare Association PA Homecare Association

Home Care Works

Fund the Frontlines

Over 400,000 Pennsylvanians depend on quality compassionate in-home care, yet low Medicaid reimbursement rates reduce access to this essential service. Direct care workers and nurses are leaving, access is shrinking, and vulnerable residents are at risk. Without action, countless families will face heartbreaking gaps in care, directly impacting the health and safety of Pennsylvanians across the Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania must raise home care reimbursement rates to protect access to these critical services. The solution is clear: Home Care Works! We must Fund the Frontlines!

Send an email to your lawmakers

Action ends in 16 days

Email Your Legislator: Secure Increased Funding for Home Care

Every day, individuals and families across Pennsylvania struggle to access the in-home care they need. With over 112,500 shifts of care going unfilled each month and 27% of approved nursing hours left vacant, those who rely on home care – and the dedicated workers who provide it – are being left behind.If you’ve experienced the stress of not having a nurse available for a loved one or you’re a caregiver stretched thin due to staffing shortages, you know how urgent this crisis is.By sending an email to your legislators, you can help secure the funding needed to support home care workers and ensure those who depend on this care receive the support they deserve.Your voice matters. Speak up today to protect access to care for yourself, your loved ones, and your fellow caregivers.

Tweet your lawmakers

Action ends in 16 days

Call for Home Care Funding on Social Media

Governor Shapiro delivered his annual budget address on February 4th where he established his priorities for the coming fiscal year. Now it is the legislature's turn to take the governor's budget proposal and negotiate, then pass, a final budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. Your voice is critical now more than ever.  We need to make sure every legislator knows that hundreds of thousands of direct care workers, nurses, administrators and, most importantly, care recipients depend on their support.Tell your legislator it is time to support those who need it most!  It is time to invest in home care!

Share your story

Action ends in 95 days

Tell Us Why You Support Direct Care Workers and Nurses

Help us advocate for home care in Pennsylvania by sharing your story. Whether you're a dedicated home care worker or someone who has benefited from their care, your experience is powerful. Share how home care services have made a difference in your life and why this vital workforce deserves to be recognized. Your voice can make a meaningful impact.

A Crisis by the Numbers

The Data Speaks for Itself

  • 400,000+: The number of Pennsylvanians who rely on in-home care services, a number expected to increase as the state’s population ages.
  • 300,000: Jobs supported by Pennsylvania’s home care industry.
  • $25.6 Billion: The annual economic contribution of Pennsylvania’s home care industry, which also generates $4.5 billion in tax revenue.

    Personal Assistance Services:
  • 112,500+: The number of home care shifts that go unfilled every month in Pennsylvania, primarily due to workforce shortages driven by low reimbursement rates.
  • $20.63: The average hourly reimbursement rate for in-home caregivers in Pennsylvania, which is significantly lower than the rates in neighboring states, such as Ohio ($28.96/hour) and West Virginia ($25.44/hour).
  • 23%: The OLTL HCBS Rate Study’s recommended increase for Personal Assistance Services reimbursement rates to meet market benchmarks and cover the true cost of care delivery.

    Pediatric & Adult Shift Nursing Services:
  • 27%: Approved nursing hours go unfilled largely due to lack of staff.
  • $50: The average nursing rate in Pennsylvania while other comparable states are between $55 - $70/hour
  • $59: The recommended nursing rate to increase workforce capacity and enhance access to care as indicated in the 2024 Menges Group Study. 
  • 70: Transitioning 70 patients from hospital to home care would generate enough annual savings to nearly cover the cost of a rate increase to $59/hour.
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Paid for by Pennsylvania Homecare Association